BetterMe vs. Noom: Which Health App Fits You Best?

Explore the key differences between BetterMe and Noom to see which health app best suits your wellness goals.

When it comes to choosing between the BetterMe and Noom health apps, it really depends on what you’re looking for in a wellness journey. Both apps offer unique features aimed at improving your health, but they do so in slightly different ways. Let’s dive into what makes each app special and see which might be the best fit for you!

Key Takeaways

  • BetterMe is great for personalized workouts and meal plans.
  • Noom focuses on behavioral changes to help you lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Both apps provide educational resources, but their approaches and costs differ.

What is BetterMe?

BetterMe is a health and fitness app designed to help users achieve their personal wellness goals through customized meal plans and workouts. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, tone up, or just maintain a healthy lifestyle, BetterMe tailors its recommendations based on your personal data.


  • Customized fitness plans.
  • Variety of meal suggestions.
  • User-friendly interface.


  • Requires a subscription for full access.
  • Less focus on psychological aspects of wellness.

What is Noom?

Noom is a bit different. It’s more than just a diet or workout app; it’s a weight loss program that focuses on changing your habits. Noom uses psychology to help you understand your eating behaviors, and it provides daily lessons and quizzes to keep you engaged.


  • Strong emphasis on behavioral science.
  • Personal coaching options.
  • Focuses on long-term results.


  • Can be more expensive.
  • Daily input can be time-consuming.

Features Comparison

Let’s break down what each app offers:

BetterMe Features

  • Workouts: Access to a wide range of exercises tailored to your fitness level.
  • Diet Plans: Custom meal plans that consider your dietary preferences.
  • Progress Tracking: Easily monitor your fitness and weight loss progress.

Noom Features

  • Psychological Approach: Understand the ‘why’ behind your eating habits.
  • Personal Coaching: Get support from real coaches who guide you through your journey.
  • Health Education: Daily articles and quizzes to enhance your knowledge about health.

Costs: BetterMe vs. Noom

Here’s a quick look at what you might spend on each app:

AppSubscription CostFeatures Included
BetterMeStarts at $9.99/moWorkouts, Meal Plans, Tracking
NoomStarts at $59/moCoaching, Psychological Tools, Education

User Experiences

Many users find BetterMe easy to use with its straightforward exercise and meal tracking. On the other hand, Noom users appreciate the depth of psychological insights and the personalized coaching, though some find the daily logging a bit daunting.

Which One Should You Choose?

If you’re someone who loves a good workout and needs a structured meal plan to follow, BetterMe might be the better option for you. It’s straightforward and focused on physical health. However, if you’re looking to understand your eating behaviors and prefer a more holistic approach to health that includes mental and emotional wellness, Noom could be the way to go.


Both BetterMe and Noom offer great tools for anyone looking to improve their health, but they cater to different needs. It’s all about what kind of support you’re looking for on your health journey. Try them both and see which app keeps you motivated and feeling great about your progress!

Remember, the best app is the one that you stick with, so choose the one that fits best with your lifestyle and goals!

For more in-depth insights, Harvard University offers a great resource on digital health tools here. Additionally, the U.S. government provides helpful information on healthy eating guidelines here.


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